Elisabeth St-Denis-Veilleux

UDA: S -155253
On Screen Age:  16-18
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Language(s): Quebec french
Height: 157 cm /5 feet 1 inches
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Bio: Sensitive, perfectionist, listener, observer, Elisabeth has been passionate about the arts since she was very young, especially in song and dance. In agency since the age of 7, Elisabeth liked to observe the environment, now sure of herself, she is ready for all the challenges of play!
Skills: Competitive Elite dance

FR 2022 - Publicité Formation Continue

FR 2022 - Publicité DELL

CV Voice


2019 "Yes, let's make a movie film festival" nominee


2019 La toile d'Araignée, shot film by Thomas Bédard, actor

2018 Cache-Cache, short film by Tommy Harvey, Lead: Zoé


2021 Lactancia, VO

2020 Seventh generation, VO

2018 Nestlée, VO


2021 Diction with Maryse Gagné

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